Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Programming Chinese Remote Control for Garage Door or Barrier

Sometimes programming, resetting, clearing remote control for a garage door or a barrier fails even if we follow instructions from manual strictly. Symptoms of remote control are:

  • RC ignores the commands
  • RC looks as it has manufacturing defect.

We have found how to workaround the failure!

Our solution could work when all these conditions are true:

  • you have never been bale to program your RC in the way manual states
  • LED indication works fine (battery is not dead)

The reason

The issue seems Chinese manufacturer wired buttons differently. 

The solution

Resetting key combinations seems a bit different. Instead of using A+B keys you should use B+C and A+D keys.

Method 1

Clear code: 

1. hold buttons A+D for few seconds; The LED light indication changes; 

2. release all buttons

3. Hold A button on old remote and then hold button A on new remote for 5, 6 seconds and wait for change in LED indication

Method 2

Clear code: 

1. hold buttons A+D for few seconds; The LED light indication changes; 

2. unhold button A, while still holding button D 

3. click button A 3 times until the LED light flashes quickly; 

4. release all buttons

5. hold buttons B+C for few seconds; the LED light rapidly flashes 3 times in about 2 seconds; 

6. unhold button B, while still holding button C 

7. click button B 3 times until the LED light flashes quickly; 

8. release all buttons

9. Hold A button on old remote and then hold button A on new remote for 5, 6 seconds and wait for change in LED indication

Comment, if it works for you.

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